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How to Delete a Page in Microsoft Word | Step-by-Step Guide

Deleting a page in Microsoft Word might seem tricky at first, especially when you have unnecessary blank pages or extra content that you want to remove.

But don't worry, this guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you can clean up your document with ease.

Table of Contents

2Why Delete a Page in Word?
3Common Reasons for Extra Pages
4Deleting a Blank Page at the End
5Removing a Page with Content
6Deleting a Page in the Middle
7Using the Navigation Pane
8Adjusting Page Breaks
9Deleting Pages in Different Views
10Deleting Multiple Pages
11Using Shortcuts to Delete a Page
12Handling Section Breaks
13Deleting Pages in Complex Documents
14Common Issues and Troubleshooting


Deleting a page in Word can be essential for tidying up your document, whether it's removing blank pages or pages with unwanted content.

This guide will make the process straightforward, ensuring you can manage your documents efficiently.

Why Delete a Page in Word?

Sometimes, an extra page can disrupt the flow of your document. It might be a blank page at the end or an extra page inserted by mistake.

Deleting these pages ensures your document looks professional and is easy to read.

Common Reasons for Extra Pages

Extra pages can appear for various reasons:

  • Blank pages at the end: Often caused by extra paragraph marks or page breaks.
  • Content overflow: Sometimes a few lines of text spill over to a new page.
  • Manual page breaks: Inserted intentionally or by accident.

Deleting a Blank Page at the End

To delete a blank page at the end of your document:

  1. Go to the end of the document: Place your cursor at the very end.
  2. Delete extra paragraph marks: Press Backspace until the blank page disappears.

Removing a Page with Content

If you need to delete a page with content:

  1. Select the content: Click and drag to highlight the text on the page.
  2. Delete the content: Press Delete or Backspace. Ensure no blank lines are left.

Deleting a Page in the Middle

When a page in the middle of your document needs to be deleted:

  1. Select the page's content: Highlight everything on the page.
  2. Remove the content: Press Delete or Backspace.

Using the Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane helps you see an overview of your document.

  1. Open the Navigation Pane: Go to View and check Navigation Pane.
  2. Find the page: Locate the page you want to delete.
  3. Select and delete: Highlight the page content and press Delete.

Adjusting Page Breaks

Page breaks often cause extra pages.

  1. Show formatting marks: Go to Home and click to show paragraph marks.
  2. Find the page break: Look for Page Break.
  3. Delete the break: Place your cursor before the break and press Delete.

Deleting Pages in Different Views

Word offers various views:

  • Print Layout: Best for seeing how pages will look when printed.
  • Draft View: Ideal for editing content without worrying about layout. Switch to the appropriate view for easier editing.

Deleting Multiple Pages

To delete multiple pages:

  1. Highlight the content: Click and drag across the pages.
  2. Delete the selection: Press Delete.

Using Shortcuts to Delete a Page

Keyboard shortcuts can speed up the process:

  • Select content: Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow.
  • Delete selection: Press Delete.

Handling Section Breaks

Section breaks can create extra pages:

  1. Show formatting marks: Click in the Home tab.
  2. Find the section break: Look for Section Break.
  3. Delete the break: Place your cursor before it and press Delete.

Deleting Pages in Complex Documents

Complex documents with multiple sections may require careful handling:

  • Use the Navigation Pane: For an overview.
  • Check for hidden content: Ensure there are no hidden elements causing extra pages.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Sometimes, you may face issues:

  • Persistent blank pages: Ensure all paragraph marks and breaks are removed.
  • Content shifting: Adjust formatting and check for hidden elements.


Deleting a page in Word is a simple task once you know the steps. Whether it's a blank page at the end, a page in the middle, or multiple pages, this guide has you covered. Read More: How to Hide Apps on iPhone - Easiest Way


1. How do I delete a page in Word that won't delete? Check for hidden paragraph marks or section breaks. Use the symbol to reveal them.

2. Can I delete multiple pages at once in Word? Yes, highlight all the content on the pages and press Delete.

3. Why can't I delete a blank page in Word? Ensure there are no hidden formatting marks. Show these by clicking the symbol in the Home tab.

4. How do I delete a specific page in Word? Use the Navigation Pane to locate the page, select the content, and press Delete.

5. What's the shortcut for deleting a page in Word? Highlight the content with Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow and press Delete.

By following these steps, you can easily manage and clean up your Word documents, ensuring they are professional and well-organized.

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